
Terms of Use

Use of Personal Information

We use the personal information of the users in a beneficial way to both of us. The collected information is used and transferred to the third parties for booking, enquiry and transaction process. You should know that the information gathered from you will be processed outside India as we need to arrange the products and services requested by you. Customers will be requested to confirm the acceptance of sharing of information at the time of booking. The personal information collected from you will be used to send century resorts and hospitality latest product announcements, promotions, offers and events. We are glad to inform that it helps us to improve our products and offerings to a great extent. Customers have the option to unsubscribe the announcements at any point of time.

We mainly use your information to upgrade our current products, services, content and advertising. Sometimes, the collected personal information will be used internally for research, analysis and auditing.

Use of Cookies and Technologies

Cookies play an important role in offering the best user experience for all our valuable customers. Most of the web browsers accept cookies while others require some changes to be done in your web browser. However, the users can easily control and delete the required cookies immediately. We make use of cookies to upgrade our online services, applications, advertisements and email messages. Generally, the cookies are used to identify certain information like passwords, list of pages visited, identify your session at a particular website and so on.

century resorts and hospitality assure you that we do not use cookies for identifying your personal information or share your privacy with any of the third parties.

Disclosure to Third Parties

century resorts and hospitality has the right to share the personal information as required with any of the third parties. It is mainly shared on matters relating to booking, reservation, blocking or any such activity initiated by users.

Service Providers and Partners

century resorts and hospitality may disclose the personal information with the companies who offers services like information processing, developing customer data, conducting customer research and satisfaction surveys.

With Whom Your Personal Information is Shared?

We usually share anonymous information and reports to our reputed suppliers, advertisers or any of the potential business partners. century resorts and hospitality requests all the customers to read over the privacy policy before their booking process. This is because they can gain more information about us in a detailed manner.

Customers will generally share their personal information in the following circumstances:

  • * When you book your tickets or any holiday package through our website, then you will be asked for information like email, letter, fax or so on.
  • * At the time of registration, the customer service team will request you to participate in competitions or subscribe for promotional newsletters.
  • * When you take part in surveys, you will be directed to a link asking for personal details. Your privacy is 100% protected by us.

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